Glucose support

Your system is very likely challenged by the fundamentally important process of keeping your blood glucose in an optimal range. Multiple times per day you may be spiking your blood sugar into ranges that cause inflammation and disease. And you may be completely oblivious to this major determinant of your health, appearance, brain function, and longevity. Still, if you pay close attention, you will probably notice some symptoms of the fires of inflammation that flare up after eating too many junk food calories.

Restoring vitamin D levels to normal will help support healthy blood pressure glucose levels.* The current guidelines for daily requirement of vitamin D (about 400 IU per day) are about 10 times too low. The latest studies show that most Americans need at least 1,000 IU per day of vitamin D to get their blood level of this crucially important nutrient into the adequate range, and most need 2,000 IU per day or even more.CardioTabs Heart