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Coenzyme Q10 and Fertility

Family picture, spouses holding hands, top viewCoenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a naturally occurring antioxidant that plays a crucial role in energy production within our cells. This vital nutrient has gained attention in recent years for its potential benefits in improving fertility, particularly in women. In this blog post, we will explore the role of CoQ10 in fertility and how it can help increase the chances of conception.
A systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate the effect of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation on fertility outcomes in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures (ART). The review included 5 randomized-controlled trials with a total of 215 infertile women who received CoQ10 supplementation and 234 infertile women who received a placebo. The analysis found that CoQ10 supplementation significantly improved clinical pregnancy rates in women undergoing ART procedures. This effect remained statistically significant when women with poor ovarian response and polycystic ovarian syndrome were analyzed separately. The authors concluded that CoQ10 supplementation may be a beneficial adjunct therapy for women undergoing ART procedures.
CoQ10 has also been found to have potential benefits for male fertility. A systematic review included 24 studies with participants receiving daily CoQ10 dosages ranging from 20mg to 400mg. The analysis found that CoQ10 supplementation significantly improved sperm concentration, motility, and morphology in infertile men. Additionally, CoQ10 supplementation was found to decrease oxidative stress and improve DNA integrity in sperm cells. The authors concluded that CoQ10 supplementation may be a safe and effective therapeutic option for improving sperm quality in infertile men.
It is important to note that CoQ10 supplementation may not be beneficial for everyone. The body's ability to produce CoQ10 naturally declines with age, so older individuals may benefit more from supplementation. Additionally, those with certain health conditions, such as mitochondrial disorders, or people taking a statin cholesterol-lowering medication may have a higher requirement for CoQ10.
In conclusion, CoQ10 is a promising nutrient for improving fertility in both men and women. Its antioxidant properties may help improve egg and sperm quality, leading to a higher chance of conception. However, as with any supplement, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting CoQ10 supplementation, particularly if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
In Good Health,
James O'Keefe, MD